Qualcomm SAN.BA

San Diego, California


332,800 SF

 Designing Qualcomm SAN.BA posed several site development challenges, from physical site limitations, the need to accommodate high volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and the desire to establish a distinct presence within the technology-centric neighborhood.

The proposed solution entails an 11-story office tower and a 1100-car parking structure, both of which were developed with the guiding principle of “form follows function.”

The design prioritizes sustainable building practices, aimed at crafting an environment that enhances the overall experience for its occupants. The program requirements have been skillfully integrated into two towers to provide natural daylight and a harmonious site relationship with neighboring structures. The circulation and view corridors have been aligned to create signature features like the “sky lobby” and a living roof deck.

Both interior and exterior material selections have been thoughtfully curated to resonate with the sensibilities of tech engineers while also striving to attain LEED Silver certification, further underscoring the commitment to environmentally responsible design.